tira Mi su は、現在準備中です。
We will deliver a one-of-a-kind haute couture embroidered earrings, made entirely by hand❤︎ By professional artisans who have worked in a renowned atelier in Paris. From the moment you put them on, you'll feel uplifted, and despite their noticeable presence, they are as light as feathers to wear. These textile earrings can be paired with casual or formal outfits, allowing for versatile styling♪
全ては手作業❤︎ 本場パリのアトリエで活躍していたプロの職人による世界に一つだけのオートクチュール刺繍ピアスをお届けします。付けた瞬間から気分上々、存在感とはうらはらに羽根のように軽い付け心地。テキスタイル素材のピアスはカジュアルにもフォーマルにも合わせることができます♪